Technology Works: Mark Fell On The Anniversary Of The Battle Of Orgreave

The Rotherham-based musician and artist looks back 40 years and considers the noise of industry, the noise of industrial action, the noise of excessive police violence and electronic music as political resistance. Digital and 35mm photographs of the site of the former Orgreave Coking Works taken by Max Roberts. In memory of drummer and producer Keith LeBlanc

“Music is so important, it’s got healing powers, it helps people.”Adrian Sherwood, On-U Sound

“We know that it have been mentioned to our great men and Ministers in Parliament by them that have Factorys how many poor they employ, forgetting at the same time how many more they would employ were they to have it done by hand as they used to do. The Poor…

The post Technology Works: Mark Fell On The Anniversary Of The Battle Of Orgreave appeared first on The Quietus.


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