The Road From Seattle To Ireland: Lori Goldston Interviewed

Lori Goldston has just released a lowkey but wonderful album of cello improvisations recorded on the road in the RoI; she talks to Stevie Chick about her love for the instrument and the joy she felt playing live with Nirvana and Earth

Photo by Austin McDonald

“It’s a little bit preposterous that I’ve managed to do this for a living for such a long time,” says cellist Lori Goldston, of the calling she’s reluctant to call her career. A half-hour after our chat, she’s off to rehearse with Steve Von Till, guitarist of Neurosis and a regular collaborator of Goldston’s, in advance of a festival they’ll play together in the woods of Seattle. When autumn arrives, she’ll be off to perform in…

The post The Road From Seattle To Ireland: Lori Goldston Interviewed appeared first on The Quietus.


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