Playful yet Professional, Nevertheless: a Pet Shop Boys Interview

Neil Tennant and Chris Lowe sit down with Luke Turner to discuss how their music stops them feeling trapped, spaghetti hoops, fitting in and why seediness is inspiring

Pet Shop Boys portrait by Eva Pentel

The Pet Shop Boys know what they’re doing. Whenever Neil Tennant and Chris Lowe sit down for an interview, you’re guaranteed a dynamic that’s gold dust for journalists: Tennant delivers thoughtful reflection and piquant quotes, Lowe jumps in to offer asides or take the mick – deadpan, down to earth. Take this exchange on the 18-year-old singer’s first meal in London when he arrived to study history at North London Poly: The wide-eyed boy from Newcastle found the plate of spaghetti Bolognese and chips rather exotic….

The post Playful yet Professional, Nevertheless: a Pet Shop Boys Interview appeared first on The Quietus.


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